Department of School Education
Bhutan time now
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    Bhutan to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad in London

    Bhutan will participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2024 for the first time with five high school students set to represent the nation. IMO is the world’s most prestigious international mathematical tournament which will bring together the brightest young ...
    / News & Events

    National School Drama Competition resumes to highlight the literary and dramatic talents of students

    Honouring the 34th birth anniversary of Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, the Ministry of Education and Skills Development re-launched the National School Drama Competition. The event commenced with an inaugural performance of "Episode in the Life of an Author" by the ...
    / News & Events

    Fourth National Action Research Seminar featured 15 top educational research papers

    The 4th National Action Research Seminar held over two days on May 30-31 in Paro presented 15 exceptional action research papers aimed at enhancing educational practices in schools across Bhutan. Initiated in 2016 under the Sherig Endowment Fund (SEF), the ...
    / News & Events

    Bhutan marks National Teachers’ Day with Saturday Off Declaration

    On May 2, coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Third Druk Gyalpo, the Ministry of Education and Skills Development marked National Teachers’ Day at Changlimithang Stadium. The special occasion graced by His Excellency the Prime Minister brought ...
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    At the Dzongkhag level, as the follow up to the training of trainers in January 2022, the trained teachers rolled out CodeMonkey training to dzongkhag school teachers from 565 schools.   Around 800 teachers were reached through the training. These ...
    / Code Monkey


    CodeMonkey, a game-based coding platform, was gifted by His Majesty the King to Bhutanese students in August 2021 as Royal Soelra to enhance coding skills in schools and to equip the children with 21st Century knowledge and skills. The Ministry ...
    / Code Monkey
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