Department of School Education
Bhutan time now
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    All Civil Servants to Work from Home

    All civil servants are expected to follow the “work from home” protocol during Lockdown to keep the government functioning and to support the citizens ...
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    Notification on Classes X and XII student testing for COVID-19

    Notification on Classes X and XII student testing for COVID-19 Thimphu mega-zone examinations - student details ...
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    Notification on conduct of examination 2022

    In continuation to our ealier notifications and messages relayed through a series of discussion held on national television on the conduct of examinations and various issues associated with it, the Minstry of Education would like to announce on the following.Click ...
    / Announcments, News & Events

    Announcement for classes 10 & 12

    Ministry of Education would like to announce classes 10 & 12 click to view ...
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    Bus Services in the respective Mega zone Examination Centers

    Notification on Bus Services in the respective Mega zone Examination Centers click to view ...
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    Statistics Summary

    0 India 0 Section 2 0 Section 3 0 Section 4 0 View Details ...
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    Statistics Summery 3

    0 Section 1 0 Section 2 0 Section 3 0 Section 4 0 View Details ...
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  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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  • Department of School Education
  • Ministry of Education and Skills Development
  • Thimphu : Bhutan
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