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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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    International Youth Day 2016

    The International Youth Day is observed on 12th August every year to recognize the potentials of young people and to celebrate their key achievements in their communities. Bhutan has been observing this special event since 2010. This year, the Youth ...
    / News & Events, YCD-post

    28th Asia Pacific Children’s Convention Program, Fukuoka, Japan, 10th – 24th July 2016

    Asia Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) program is an annual invitation activity organized by people of Fukuoka City in Japan where 6 Junior Ambassadors of age below 11 years and a Chaperon takes part from Bhutan annually. Six students and a ...
    / News & Events, SCED-post

    6th Leadership Training for Scouts, MTC, Tencholing, Wangdue, 3rd – 23rd July 2016

    The Scouts and Culture Education Division, Department of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education will be organizing the 6th Leadership Training program at Tencholing, Wangdiphodrang from 3rd July to 23rd July 2016 for 125 Scouts (62 boys and 63 girls). The ...
    / News & Events, SCED-post

    The Journey of Bhutanese Teacher’s Day

    The Journey of Bhutanese Teacher's day ...
    / News & Events
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    International Youth Day 2016

    The International Youth Day is observed on 12th August every year to recognize the potentials of young people and to celebrate their key achievements in their communities. Bhutan has been observing this special event since 2010. This year, the Youth ...
    / News & Events, YCD-post

    28th Asia Pacific Children’s Convention Program, Fukuoka, Japan, 10th – 24th July 2016

    Asia Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) program is an annual invitation activity organized by people of Fukuoka City in Japan where 6 Junior Ambassadors of age below 11 years and a Chaperon takes part from Bhutan annually. Six students and a ...
    / News & Events, SCED-post

    6th Leadership Training for Scouts, MTC, Tencholing, Wangdue, 3rd – 23rd July 2016

    The Scouts and Culture Education Division, Department of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education will be organizing the 6th Leadership Training program at Tencholing, Wangdiphodrang from 3rd July to 23rd July 2016 for 125 Scouts (62 boys and 63 girls). The ...
    / News & Events, SCED-post

    The Journey of Bhutanese Teacher’s Day

    The Journey of Bhutanese Teacher's day ...
    / News & Events
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  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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  • Department of Education Programmes (DEP)
  • Address: Dratshang Building, Kawangjangsa
  • PO Box No: 587
  • Thimphu : Bhutan
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